contoh laporan study tour ke monas dalam bahasa inggris
LAPORAN STUDY TOUR BAHASA INGGRIS Disusun oleh : 1. Devi Arisqianti (11) 2. Fitri Indayani(16) 3. Fitriana(17) 4. Marta Sagita(25) Kelas : VIII E SMP N 1 KANDEMAN TAHUN PELAJARAN 2014/2015 Batang, 27 Maret 2015 Our foursome Devi , Ana , Marta and Fitri gathered at the mosque for the preparation of a study tour . After that we and other friends gathered at page SMP N 1 KANDEMAN to perform prayer together led by Mr.Sukarya Mpd . Then we headed to the bus-D On the bus, we met and became acquainted with the crew of a bus that is uncle is Kiswanto and Ms.ayu as a guide Mr.Maman as a helper on a bus , Mr.Ndang as a driver . After that we immediately begin a trip to Jakarta . We arrived home eating Kedung Roso in Brebes for dinner . After that we went on to Jakarta At 02:30 am we arrived at the hostel for Haji to spend the night there we got a room on the second floor . There we are no one room . Devi and Ana are